Use either the class .divider or go old-school with the <hr> tag to create a divider. Dividers fill the width of their parent containers. By default, dividers have space above and below.

<!-- Alternatively, use <hr> -->
<div class="divider">

Inverse Styling

To invert the styling of a divider use the class .divider-inverse.

<div class="divider-inverse"></div>

Spacing Modifiers

To adjust the margin size apply one of the available divider-specific size classes. For example, simply using the class .divider-short will reduce margin evenly above and below the divider.

Class Description
.divider-flush Remove the margin in one or both direction entirely.
.divider-shorter Reduce the margin in one or both direction to 25%.
.divider-short Reduce the margin in one or both direction to 50%.
.divider-tall Increase the margin in one or both direction to 150%.
.divider-taller Increase the margin in one or both direction to 200%.
<div class="divider divider-short"></div>

Spacing Direction Modifiers

Add -top or -bottom to the end of the size modifier class to adjust padding only in the direction implied by the direction modifier.

Class Description
.divider-*-top Adjust padding above the divider.
.divider-*-bottom Adjust padding below the divider.
<div class="divider divider-short-top divider-taller-bottom"></div>