The flex box model provides an improvement over the block model in that it does not use floats, nor do the flex container’s margins collapse with the margins of its contents. In the flex layout model, the children of a flex container can be laid out in any direction, and can “flex” their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent. Both horizontal and vertical alignment of the children can be easily manipulated. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.

Flex Options

CNVS provides a number of available classes for quickly assigning flex box behavior to your layout. All classes are prefixed with .flex-. Classes were selected to be human-readable and don’t necessarily match directly with the related styling properties they invoke.

Class Description
.flex Apply flex box layout behavior to element.
.flex-inline Apply flex box layout behavior to element, but render as inline element.

Direction (.flex-direction-)

The .flex-direction- property specifies the direction of the flexible items inside the flex container. The default value of flex-direction is row (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).

Class Description
.flex-direction-left-to-right (default) Arrange flex items left to right along a horizontal axis.
.flex-direction-right-to-left Arrange flex items right to left along a horizontal axis.
.flex-direction-top-to-bottom Arrange flex items top to bottom along a vertical axis.
.flex-direction-bottom-to-top Arrange flex items bottom to top along a vertical axis.
<div class="flex flex-direction-left-to-right"></div>

Wrap Items (.flex-wrap-items-)

The .flex-wrap-items- property specifies whether the flex items should wrap or not, if there is not enough room for them on one flex line.

Class Description
.flex-wrap-items-none (default) Do not wrap the flexible items.
.flex-wrap-items Wrap the flexible items if needed.
.flex-wrap-items-reverse Wrap the flexible items in reverse order if needed.
<div class="flex flex-wrap-items"></div>

Align Items (.flex-align-items-)

The .flex-align-items- property vertically aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the cross-axis.

Class Description
.flex-align-items-stretch(default) Items are stretched to fill the container.
.flex-align-items-start Items are positioned along top or beginning of the container.
.flex-align-items-end Items are positioned along the bottom or end of the container.
.flex-align-items-center Items are centered in the container.
.flex-align-items-baseline Items are aligned with the baseline of the container.
<div class="flex flex-align-items-end"></div>

Justify Items (.flex-justify-items-)

The .flex-justify-items- property horizontally aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis.

Class Description
.flex-justify-items-start (default) Items are positioned at the beginning of the container with remaining space after.
.flex-justify-items-end Items are positioned at the end of the container with remaining space before.
.flex-justify-items-center Items are positioned in the center f the container with remaining space evenly on both sides.
.flex-justify-items-space-between Items are positioned with space evenly between them.
.flex-justify-items-space-around Items are positioned with space evenly around them.
<div class="flex flex-justify-items-space-around"></div>

Align Content (.flex-align-content-)

The .flex-align-content- property modifies the behavior of the flex item wrapping property. It is similar to .flex-align-items-, but instead of aligning flex items, it aligns flex lines.

Note: this property has no effect when flex wrap is disabled or there is only one line of flex items.

Class Description
.flex-align-content-stretch (default) Lines stretch to take up the remaining space.
.flex-align-content-start Align lines at the start of the flex container.
.flex-align-content-end Align lines at the end of the flex container.
.flex-align-content-center Center lines in the flex container.
.flex-align-content-space-between Lines are positioned with space evenly between them.
.flex-align-content-space-around Lines are evenly distributed with equal space around each line.
<div class="flex flex-wrap-items flex-align-content-space-between"></div>

Flex Item

In many projects, it is necessary to override specific flex behavior on items within the flex container. For example, you may wish to adjust the order in the flex container, or change the alignment behavior of just one item. The options below provide may classes prefixed with .flex-item to provide this item-specific support.

Align (.flex-item-align-)

The .flex-item-align- overrides the flex container’s align-items property for a specific item. It has the same possible values as the .flex-align-items property.

Class Description
.flex-item-align-start Item is positioned along top or beginning of the flex container.
.flex-item-align-end Item is position at the bottom or end of the flex container.
.flex-item-align-center Item is centered in the flex container.
.flex-item-align-baseline Item is aligned with the baseline of the flex container.
.flex-item-align-stretch Item is stretched to fill the flex container.
<div class="flex flex-align-items-end"><div class="flex-item-align-start">

Order (.flex-item-order-*)

By default, flex items are laid out in the order they appear in the source code. The .flex-item-order-* property specifies the order of a flexible item relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. The * suffix will accept any value between -100 and 100.

<div class="flex flex-direction-left-to-right">
  <div class="flex-item-order-3">
  <div class="flex-item-order-4">

Grow (.flex-item-grow-*)

The class .flex-item-grow-* specifies the proportion you wish the item to grow relative to other items when there is more remaining space in the flex container than the width of the items inside. If other items also have flex grow defined, the proportion will be calculated across all defined flex grow values. For example if there are two objects in your flex container, and the first object has class .flex-item-grow-2, then this object will increase it’s size twice that of it’s sibling. Likewise, if the second object has class .flex-item-grow-4, then the first object will increase it’s size at 50% (or 2/4ths) that of it’s sibling.

By default the flex grow property is 0. The * suffix in .flex-item-grow-* provided by CNVS will accept any value between 0 and 10.

<div class="flex">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-2">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-1">

Shrink (.flex-item-shrink-*)

The class .flex-item-shrink-* specifies the proportion you wish the item to shrink relative to other items when there is less available space in the flex container than the width of the items inside. If other items also have flex shrink defined, the proportion items shrinks will be calculated across all defined flex shrink values. For example if there are two objects in your flex container, and the first object has class .flex-item-shrink-2, then this object will decrease it’s size twice that of it’s sibling. Likewise, if the second object has class .flex-item-shrink-4, then the first object will decrease it’s size at 50% (or 2/4ths) that of it’s sibling.

By default the flex shrink property is 0. The * suffix in .flex-item-shrink-* provided by CNVS will accept any value between 0 and 10.

<div class="flex">
  <div class="flex-item-shrink-2" style="width: 1000px;">
  <div class="flex-item-shrink-1" style="width: 1000px;">

Basis (.flex-item-basis-)

Flex basis defines the default size of an element before any remaining space is distributed between the items. Flex basis accepts the same values as the width and height property (e.g. 40%, 30px, etc…), plus keywords auto and content. CNVS provides classes that allow you to define the auto and content keyword properties for an item. However, if you wish to use a specific value, this should be defined in your project-specific styles.

Class Description
.flex-item-basis-auto Remaining space is distributed based on its flex-grow value.
.flex-item-basis-content Remaining space is distributed based on the item’s content.
.flex-item-basis-none Remaining space is not factored in.
<div class="flex flex-direction-left-to-right">
  <div style="flex-basis: 100px;">
  <div style="flex-basis: 50px;">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-1">
  <div style="flex-basis: 100px;">

Responsive Flex Box

The flex layout system in CNVS is built to be fully responsive across all included screen-size break-points. In your specific project it may be necessary to adjust flex behavior when moving from mobile devices to desktop screens. To apply as specific flex behavior at mini, small, medium, and large viewports, add the suffix -screen-small, -screen-medium, -screen-large, or -screen-jumbo respectively to your specific flex class.

<div class="flex flex-direction-top-to-bottom flex-direction-left-to-right-screen-medium flex-align-items-stretch">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-3-screen-medium flex-item-order-3-screen-medium">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-2-screen-medium flex-item-order-2-screen-medium">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-1-screen-medium flex-item-order-0-screen-medium">
  <div class="flex-item-grow-4-screen-medium flex-item-order-1-screen-medium flex-item-order--1-screen-jumbo">