Migrating Apps to the 1.5 Networking API

When you upgrade to Marathon 1.5, your apps will also be automatically modified to conform to the new networking API. However, support for deprecated networking API fields will be dropped completely in some future release according to Marathon’s official API deprecation policy MARATHON-7165.

Use the options below to finely tune automatic app migration:

  • Set the MIGRATION_1_5_0_MARATHON_DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME environment variable.
    • Older MESOS IP/CT app definitions were not required to declare an ipAddress/networkName; Marathon 1.5 requires a resolvable network name.
    • Migration automatically configures container networking mode for each migrated legacy MESOS IP/CT app.
    • At migration time, legacy MESOS IP/CT app definitions are configured to use the network name defined by the migration-specific environment variable above.
  • Use the --default_network_name flag.
    • Migration only uses the network name defined by the --default_network_name flag if the MIGRATION_1_5_0_MARATHON_DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME environment variable is unset.

Note: For older MESOS IP/CT apps that do not declare a networkName: if neither the environment variable nor the flag are set, app migration will fail.