

Provides methods for interacting with a Buildkit instance.

To import, add the following to your Dispatchfile:

load("github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/experimental/buildkit@0.0.7", "buildkit")

buildkit_container(name, image, workingDir, command, env, input_paths, output_paths, volumeMounts, **kwargs)

buildkit_container returns a Kubernetes corev1.Container that runs inside of buildkit. The container can take advantage of buildkit’s cache mount feature as the cache is mounted into /cache. Callers must have all volumes returned by buildkit_volumes in the pod of the container. This method is generally intended to be imported by other catalog tasks and not used directly.


buildkit_volumes returns a list of Kubernetes corev1.Volumes and corev1.VolumeMounts required by buildkit_container, which includes the buildkit-client-cert secret volume to be mounted in buildkit containers.

buildkit(task_name, git_name, image_repo, tag, context, dockerfile, working_dir, build_args, build_env, env, inputs, outputs, steps, volumes, **kwargs)

Build a Docker image using Buildkit.