

Provides methods for building and testing Go modules.

To import, add the following to your Dispatchfile:

load("github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/stable/go@0.0.7", "go")

go_test(task_name, git_name, paths, image, inputs, outputs, steps, env, **kwargs)

Run Go tests and generate a coverage report.

go(task_name, git_name, paths, image, ldflags, os, arch, inputs, outputs, steps, **kwargs)

Build a Go binary.

ko(task_name, git_name, image_repo, path, tag, ldflags, working_dir, inputs, outputs, steps, env, **kwargs)

Build a Docker image for a Go binary using ko.

Args: working_dir optionally can provide a path to a subdirectory within the git repository. This can be used if repository has multiple go modules and there is a need to build the module that is outside of root directory.

ko_resolve(task_name, git_name, image_root, path, tag, ldflags, working_dir, inputs, outputs, steps, env, **kwargs)

Build and resolve all Go binary references within the YAML files in the provided path into Docker images using ko.

Args: image_root is the root URL to publish all images, for example, docker.io/<username>.

`working_dir` optionally can provide a path to a subdirectory within
the git repository. This can be used if repository has multiple
go modules and there is a need to build the module that is outside of
root directory.