

This module provides methods useful for crafting the basic Dispatch pipeline resources in Starlark.

To import, add the following to your Dispatchfile:

load("github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/stable/pipeline@0.0.7", "image_resource")

image_resource(name, url, digest, pipeline)

Define a new image resource in a pipeline.

Example usage: image_resource("my-image", "mesosphere/dispatch:latest")

imageResource(name, url, digest, pipeline)

DEPRECATED: Use image_resource instead.


DEPRECATED: Use storage_resource instead.

secretVar(name, key)

DEPRECATED: Use secret_var in github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/stable/k8s instead.

volume(name, **kwargs)

DEPRECATED: Use volume source helpers in github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/stable/k8s instead.


A sugar function for creating a new push condition.

Example usage: action(tasks=["test"], on=push(branches=["master"]))


A sugar function for creating a new cron condition.

Example usage: action(name="my-nightly-build", tasks=["test"], on=cron(schedule="@daily", revision="release-1.0"))

resourceVar(name, key)

DEPRECATED: Use dedicated resource variable helpers instead.

Shorthand for a resource variable, returns a string “$(inputs.resources..)"


Shorthand for input storage root dir.

Returns string “$(resources.inputs..path)".


DEPRECATED: Use sanitize in github.com/mesosphere/dispatch-catalog/starlark/stable/k8s instead.

storage_resource(name, location, secret, pipeline)

Create a new S3-compatible resource.

If location is not set, it defaults to Dispatch’s default MinIO storage. If secret is not set, it defaults to Dispatch’s default S3 configuration secret.

Example usage: storage_resource("my-storage", location="s3://my-bucket/path", secret="my-boto-secret")

task_step_result(task, step)

Shorthand for a task step result variable.

Returns string “$(inputs.tasks..)".


A sugar function for creating a new tag condition.

Example usage: action(tasks=["test"], on=tag())


A sugar function for creating a new pull request condition.

Example usage: action(tasks=["test"], on=pull_request(chatops=["build"]))


DEPRECATED: Use pull_request instead.


Shorthand for input image reference with digest.

Returns string “$(resources.inputs..url)@$(resources.inputs..digest)".