Spark Notes

This document is very incomplete and draft-like. It’s meant as a rolling document for different ways to run Spark jobs on DC/OS. It’s mostly notes for myself, provided with no guarantees of anything.

Reminder: DC/OS essentially consists of many additional services packaged to interact with Apache Mesos, so all of these essentially boil down to different ways to run Spark on Apache Mesos, adjusted for the DC/OS environment.

This document currently focuses on using spark submit (i.e., not using an interactive shell. Interactive shell may be added later).

This document indicates several different ways to run Spark jobs.

According to the Spark docs, there are two primary high-level ways of running Spark jobs against Mesos:

  1. Client Mode: Start a Spark driver on the calling client machine. We’ll look at:

    1. Running Spark jobs from outside the cluster, in client mode
    2. Running Spark jobs from inside the cluster, in client mode, using hdfs
    3. Running Spark jobs from a Docker container in the cluster
    4. Running Spark jobs from a Marathon job, in client mode
    5. Running Spark jobs from a Metronome job, in client mode
    6. Running Spark jobs from a Marathon job as a Docker container, in client mode
  2. Cluster mode: Start a Spark driver as a task hosted in the cluster. This requires a dispatcher. We’ll look at:

    1. Running Spark jobs from the dcos command line using the dcos spark run command, which runs jobs in cluster mode
    2. Running Spark jobs from outside the cluster in cluster mode
    3. Running Spark jobs from inside the clsuter, in cluster mode, using hdfs
    4. Some other stuff.

First, we’ll look at running Spark jobs in standalone/local mode (without Mesos), and then we’ll address each of the above situations.

This document assumes everything is run as root, for ease of use. Maybe I’ll add proper permissions and stuff later.

Currently, everything in this document will attempt to use all available cores. These examples should not be used without tuning for resource utilization:

# Cluster mode configuration options:
--conf spark.driver.cores=X # In cluster mode, the number of cores to be used by the driver process
--conf spark.driver.memory=Xg # In cluster mode, the amount of memory to be used by the driver process

# Executor configuration options:
--conf spark.cores.max=X # The total number of cores to be used by all executors
--conf spark.executor.cores=X # The number of cores to be used by each executor.  If unspecified, will use all available cores on all nodes
--conf spark.executor.memory=Xg # The amount of memory to be used by each executor process

Local Mode: Run Spark jobs without Mesos (Spark Standalone)

This section is primarily meant to introduce the job that we’ll be running throughout this document.

Note that ‘Standalone Mode’ can be used to mean building out a Spark cluster of multiple nodes (no YARN or Mesos), and running jobs on this cluster. This part of the document does not use a cluster like this; instead, we specify --master local to run jobs locally without a cluster.

First, download and extract the Spark binaries and place them somewhere accessible (such as /opt)

# Download the Mesos-specific Spark binaries
curl -LO
tar -xzvf spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6.tgz
mv spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6 /opt/spark

Add the /opt/spark/bin directory to your PATH, so that commands can be run directly

echo 'PATH=$PATH:/opt/spark/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
sed -i '/export PATH/d' ~/.bash_profile 
echo "export PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

Download the jar file that contains all of our examples

curl -LO

Submit it to the local ‘cluster’:

spark-submit \
    --master local \
    --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
    spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar \

So what is this actually doing?

  1. We’re downloading the Spark binaries, and extracting them
  2. We’re setting up our local path to point to the spark bin directory
  3. We’re downloading the spark example jar file
  4. We’re running spark-submit, with the following settings:
    • Use ‘local’ as our master (don’t send jobs elsewhere)
    • Run class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
    • Provide the class with the local jar file
    • Provide the parameter ‘30’ to our job (indicating that we should run the example with 30 slices)

What could we do differently, for local run / what errors may we run into?

Client Mode

The official Apache Mesos documentation says this:

In client mode, a Spark Mesos framework is launched directly on the client machine and waits for the driver output.

What this means is that on the machine that the spark-submit command is run, we are starting a mini service that registers with Apache Mesos as a framework. This service will then receive and accept resource offers from Apache Mesos, and will schedule tasks (part of the job) on the Mesos agents based on those resources offers.

Random comment:

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from outside the cluster, in client mode

The first several parts of this are identical to running Spark jobs in local standalone mode.

First, download and extract the Spark binaries and place them somewhere accessible (such as /opt)

curl -LO
tar -xzvf spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6.tgz
mv spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6 /opt/spark

Add the /opt/spark/bin directory to your PATH, so that commands can be run directly

echo 'PATH=$PATH:/opt/spark/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
sed -i '/export PATH/d' ~/.bash_profile 
echo "export PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

Download the jar file that contains all of our examples

curl -LO

In order to run in Client mode, the following changes must be made:

You must obtain these files from somewhere (they can be copied from an existing Mesos node, where they live in /opt/mesosphere/lib/):

Put them all in one directory (e.g. /usr/lib/mesos), then export the path to that directory as an environment variable:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/mesos

Then, run the spark-submit command like this (you must specify the correct IP addresses for your mesos zookeeper instances):

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://,, \
  --conf spark.executor.uri= \
  --deploy-mode client \
  spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400

So what are we doing differently?

What else can we do?

We can also run with a Docker image instead of providing an executor URI:

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://,, \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.home=/opt/spark/dist \
  --deploy-mode client \
  spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400

And we can configure the task to run with the ‘mesos’ containerizer:

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://,, \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.home=/opt/spark/dist \
  --conf spark.mesos.containerizer=mesos \
  --deploy-mode client \
  spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from inside the cluster, in client mode, using hdfs

Next, we’re gonna set up hdfs and run in client mode. We’re going to use the dcos hdfs package, and we don’t have to worry about obtaining the libraries (although we will have to point to them).

So, first, set up hdfs (see: Spark Env Setup)

Now, we should be able to directly access hdfs (this should result in an empty list):

hdfs dfs -ls /

Let’s put the example jar file in hdfs:

curl -LO
hdfs dfs -put spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar /

In order for Spark (client mode) to know how to access hdfs, you have to tell it where the hdfs configurations are:

export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop 

And again, we have to tell Spark where the library files are (but this time, they already exist on the filesystem):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/lib

Now we can run our test command:

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos \
  --conf spark.executor.uri= \
  --deploy-mode client \
  hdfs://hdfs/spark-examples_2.10-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 400

So what are we doing differently?

Here are some other options:

We can also run with a Docker image instead of providing an executor URI:

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.home=/opt/spark/dist \
  --deploy-mode client \
  hdfs://hdfs/spark-examples_2.10-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 400

And we can configure the task to run with the ‘mesos’ containerizer:

spark-submit \
  --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
  --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
  --conf spark.mesos.executor.home=/opt/spark/dist \
  --conf spark.mesos.containerizer=mesos \
  --deploy-mode client \
  hdfs://hdfs/spark-examples_2.10-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 400

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from a Docker container in the cluster

Rather than downloading and configuring all of the local binaries, spark-submit can be run from a Docker container. Note that this isn’t necessarily more lightweight (the Docker images tend to be rather large), but it may be a bit easier.

Also note that since we’re running in client mode, and the Spark executors must reach back to the driver to obtain the jar file, we have to run in -- net host mode.

For example:

docker run --net host mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
/opt/spark/dist/bin/spark-submit \
--master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos \
--name org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=mesosphere/spark:1.1.1-2.2.0-hadoop-2.7 \
--conf spark.executor.home=/opt/spark/dist \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
/opt/spark/dist/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.2.0.jar \

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from a Marathon job, in client mode

Just as Spark jobs can be run from the command line, they can also be run from Marathon.

This is an example marathon.json definition that does the following things:

  "id": "/spark-run-client",
  "cmd": "$MESOS_SANDBOX/spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos --conf spark.executor.uri= --deploy-mode client $MESOS_SANDBOX/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400; tail -f /dev/null;",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 1024,
  "fetch": [
      "uri": "",
      "extract": true,
      "executable": false,
      "cache": false
      "uri": "",
      "extract": true,
      "executable": false,
      "cache": false

Note: JSON does not support multiline strings. The command must be run as a single line. I construct the command like this, and and remove endlines:

    --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
    --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos
    --conf spark.executor.uri=
    --deploy-mode client
    $MESOS_SANDBOX/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400;
    tail -f /dev/null;

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from a Metronome job, in client mode

  "id": "spark-run-client-metronome",
  "labels": {},
  "run": {
    "cpus": 0.01,
    "mem": 1024,
    "disk": 0,
    "cmd": "$MESOS_SANDBOX/spark-2.2.0-bin-2.6/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master mesos://zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos --conf spark.executor.uri= --deploy-mode client $MESOS_SANDBOX/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.1.jar 400;",
    "env": {},
    "artifacts": [
        "uri": "",
        "extract": true,
        "executable": false,
        "cache": false
        "uri": "",
        "extract": true,
        "executable": false,
        "cache": false
    "maxLaunchDelay": 3600,
    "volumes": [],
    "restart": {
      "policy": "NEVER"
  "schedules": []

Client Mode: Running Spark jobs from a Marathon job as a Docker container, in client mode


Cluster Mode

Todo: The official Apache Mesos documentation says this:

Spark on Mesos also supports cluster mode, where the driver is launched in the cluster and the client can find the results of the driver from the Mesos Web UI.*

To use cluster mode, you must start the MesosClusterDispatcher in your cluster via the sbin/ script, passing in the Mesos master URL (e.g: mesos://host:5050). This starts the MesosClusterDispatcher as a daemon running on the host.*

From the client, you can submit a job to Mesos cluster by running spark-submit and specifying the master URL to the URL of the MesosClusterDispatcher (e.g: mesos://dispatcher:7077). You can view driver statuses on the Spark cluster Web UI.*

The dispatcher can be run manually, but it is much easier to run the dispatcher using the provided DC/OS Universe spark package.

To deploy the dispatcher, run it by clicking spark in the Universe.

Cluster Mode: Running Spark jobs from the dcos command line using the dcos spark run command, which runs jobs in cluster mode


Cluster Mode: Running Spark jobs from outside the cluster in cluster mode


Cluster Mode: Running Spark jobs from inside the cluster, in cluster mode, using hdfs


Cluster Mode: Some other stuff.


Cluster Mode: Run your own dispatcher