DC/OS Provider

The DC/OS provider is used to interact with workload on DC/OS(dcos.io). Its configuration is the same as for dcos-cli

Example Usage

provider "dcos" {
  dcos_url  = "<cluster url>"
  user      = "bootstrapuser"
  password  = "<secret dcos password>"

resource "dcos_marathon_pod" "simplepod" {
  name = "simplepod"

  scaling {
    kind      = "fixed"
    instances = 1

  container {
    name = "sleep1"

    exec {
      command_shell = "sleep 1000"

    resources {
      cpus = 0.1
      mem  = 32

  network {
    mode = "HOST"

Authentication and Configuration

The DC/OS provider is using the same config sources as the DC/OS CLI.

  • Attached Cluster
  • URL + Token
  • URL + Username and Password
  • Cluster Name

Attached Cluster

The easiest solution is using the cluster you’re attached to with dcos cluster attach

provider "dcos" {}

The downside with this is that the user has to make sure being connected to the expected cluster.

Cluster Name

If the user has locally setup his dcos-cli with cluster setup <cluster url> The name of a cluster can be used making sure terraform is using the expected cluster. The value is the same as for dcos cluster attach

provider "dcos" {
  cluster = "my-dcos-production-cluster"

Username and Password


This method is using a username and password to authenticate against the DC/OS cluster. Be aware that this will not work with DC/OS Open Source.

provider "dcos" {
  dcos_url  = "<cluster url>"
  user      = "bootstrapuser"
  password  = "<secret dcos password>"

ACS Token

If you’re using open source and don’t want to use the attached cluster feature you have to specify the ACS token of a user (dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token). The token in combination with the cluster url give the dcos-provider access to your cluster.

provider "dcos" {
  dcos_url       = "<cluster url>"
  dcos_acs_token = "<dcos_acs_token>"

Argument Reference

  • dcos_acs_token (Optional) The DC/OS access token
  • ssl_verify (Optional, defaults to true) Verify SSL connection. Can be set to false to ignore certificate errors
  • dcos_url (Optional) The cluster URL. The same URL you reach the DC/OS UI
  • cluster (Optional) The cluster name configured in dcos-cli. You can obtain it using “dcos cluster list”.
  • user EE (Optional) The username to be used to connect to the DC/OS cluster
  • password EE (Optional) The password to be used to connect to the DC/OS cluster