
Resource: dcos_job_schedule

provides a resource adding schedules to Metronome jobs.

Example Usage

# an example
provider "dcos" {
  cluster = "my-cluster"

data "dcos_job" "job" {
  name = "somejob"

resource "dcos_job_schedule" "jobsched" {
  dcos_job_id = "${data.dcos_job.job.name}"
  name        = "someschedule"
  cron        = "0,30 * * * *"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported

  • name (Required) Unique identifier for the schedule.
  • cron (Required) Cron based schedule string
  • concurrency_policy (Optional) Defines the behavior if a job is started, before the current job has finished. ALLOW will launch a new job, even if there is an existing run.
  • enabled (Optional) Defines if the schedule is enabled or not.
  • starting_deadline_seconds (Optional) The number of seconds until the job is still considered valid to start.
  • timezone (Optional) IANA based time zone string. See http://www.iana.org/time-zones for a list of available time zones.
  • dcos_job_id (Required) Unique identifier for the job.