
Resource: dcos_package

Deploys (or upgrades) a service package on DC/OS.

Example Usage

data "dcos_package_config" "jenkins-config" {

# Deploy a package 
resource "dcos_package" "jenkins" {
    config          = "${data.dcos_package_config.jenkins-config.config}"
    app_id          = "/jenkins"
    wait            = true
    wait_duration   = "5m"
    sdk             = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported

  • config (Required) The configuration for the package to be deployed. This should be set to the .config output variable of a dcos_package_config data resource. (Note that the package name and version is specified in the package configuration).
  • app_id (Optional, defaults to /<package-name>) The name of the app to deploy on DC/OS
  • wait (Optional, defaults to true) When true, this resource will block any further action until the package is installed/uninstalled/updated. Set this to false to speed-up deployment, but only if you are not depending on any output variables of this resource.
  • wait_duration (Optional, defaults to 5m) How long to wait for a blocking operation to complete. This can be any human-readable time expression (eg. “1h”, “10m”, “20s”)
  • sdk (Optional, defaults to true) When true, the provider will use the cosmos SDK API to update / restart the service. When false, any configuration change will cause the service to be uninstalled and re-installed.

Updating Services

The dcos_package resource is smart enough to distinguish between configuration changes, version changes or name changes and can react accordingly.

Service Redeployment

A service will be completely re-deployed (uninstalled and reinstalled) if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • The package name has changed
  • The app_id has changed
  • The configuration has changed and sdk=false meaning that the service is not built using SDK, and therefore the provider cannot use the SDK api to update it.

Service Reconfiguration

A service will be re-configured (“updated” using the cosmos API) if any of the following changes have occurred and sdk=true :

  • The package version has changed
  • The package configuration has changed
  • The configuration checksum property has changed

Service Restart

A service will be restarted (by force-restarting the “deploy” plan) if any of the following changes have occurred and sdk=true:

  • Only the checksum property has changed (the rest of the configuration has remained intact)