
Resource: dcos_package_repo

Installs a catalog repository on DC/OS that can be used to resolve service packages.

Example Usage

resource "dcos_package_repo" {
    name        = "Universe"
    url         = "https://universe.mesosphere.com/repo"
    volatile    = false
    index       = -1

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported

  • name (Optional, defaults to Universe) the name of the repository.
  • url (Optional, defaults to https://universe.mesosphere.com/repo) the url of the repository.
  • volatile (Optional, defaults to false) if set to true, this repository will be removed when the resource is destroyed. If you are expecting the cluster to use this repository outside of your deployment, keep it false.
  • index (Optional, defaults to -1) defines the index where this repository will be installed at. This affects the resolution order for it’s packages. If -1, it will be appended at the end (lowest priority), and if 0 it will be inserted at the beginning (highest priority).