Use messages in your project to convey information, provide tips, communicate success, or even flag and notify the user of errors. Wrap your message in an element with the class .message to apply the default message appearance. Any HTML can live inside a message, though content is typically limited to text and simple actions.

Message: This is a relevant message you should read.
<div class="message">
  <strong>Information:</strong> This is a relevant message you should read.

Message States

You may wish to display more than the default message type, either to create separation in the importance of various messages or to communicate the state of an action or condition. Message states make this super easy. Append the appropriate state name to the class .message-* prefix.

Message: This is a relevant message you should read.
Information: This is a message that is more colorful than others.
Success: You have done some action successfully and should be proud!
Warning: Before going further, you may want to stop and read this.
Danger: Something is wrong or potentially problematic, please read.
<div class="message message-information">
  <strong>Information:</strong> This is a message that is more colorful than others.

<div class="message message-success">
  <strong>Success:</strong> You have done some action successfully and should be proud!

<div class="message message-warning">
  <strong>Warning:</strong> Before going further, you may want to stop and read this.

<div class="message message-danger">
  <strong>Danger:</strong> Something is wrong or potentially problematic, please read.

Inverse Styling

Add the class .message-inverse to any .message element to leverage inverse styling.

Message: This is a relevant message you should read.
Information: This is a message that is more colorful than others.
Success: You have done some action successfully and should be proud!
Warning: Before going further, you may want to stop and read this.
Danger: Something is wrong or potentially problematic, please read.
<div class="message message-inverse">
  <strong>Information:</strong> This is a message that is more colorful than others.

Message Content

You can include more than body text in a message. Messages can support any HTML content. All type styling will be retained. However, if you add the class .message-type-styling to any typographic element, the preferred message type color and styling will be applied. For links, add the class .message-link to any <a>.

Some Important Headline

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

Sure, let's do that thing
<div class="message message-danger">
  <h3 class="message-type-style">
    Some Important Headline
    Cras justo odio …
  <a href="#" class="message-link">Sure, let's do that thing</a>

Dismissible Messages

If you wish to give users the ability to dismiss a message, add the class .message-dismissible as well as include an element of class .message-dismissible-indicator inside your message.

Message: Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Message: Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
<div class="message message-dismissible">
  <a class="message-dismissible-indicator" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
  <strong>Message:</strong> This is a relevant message you should read.